Monday, May 28, 2012

First Day of My 90 Day Challenge!

My first day is done!  It was great!  I made my Shakeology around 2:30...I blended it with ice and water.  It was delicious!  I didn't blend it well enough, but it was still amazing!  I will definately look forward to drinking that everyday.  And there are millions of recipes that you can alter it to taste a little differently.  There is a recipe for "Chocolate Bee" where you add skim milk and honey or one called "Cherry Monkey" where you add black cherries, a banana and skim milk.  They give you a calendar with 30 different days of different recipes.  I can't wait!

I did the first day of Turbo Fire.  I like it alot!  I picked a wrong setting on the DVD, so I wasn't able to hear her talk and give the cues I needed, so I was a little behind on most of the moves.  But I liked the format of it.  And the stretch DVD felt AMAZING!  There was a rotator cuff stretch that felt great! 

I didn't eat very well this past weekend.  Too much eating out and eating crap.  I really have to remember that when I eat out, it isn't a pass to eat the worst foods out there.  It's a struggle.  My mindset has been off for quite a few years.  It's going to take a little bit to remember when I've come from and to remember WHERE I NEED TO BE.  Habits are very hard to break.

I am, however, lucky to have such an amazing man in my life.  He supports everything that I do, whole heartedly.  He loves me fat or thin...he loves me for me.  It's rare to find that...I am very lucky.  The bad part though, is when I decide not to eat well and take good care of myself, he doesn't ever discourage me from doing that. 

Okay...I'm rambling.  I'll try and add an entry tomorrow.

PS-My Mom is up here visiting.  I'm blessed to have her in my life.  She is an amazing and wonderful woman.  I love you Momma!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

2nd Post - Short one

My second entry...I'm still struggling on what this blog is going to be.  I really have high hopes and expectations for this.  On Tuesday, I start my 90 Day Challenge.  I'm doing Beach Body's Turbo Fire and Shakeology.  I'm excited/nervous/anxious/needing this.
I want to live a healthy, active life.  3 years ago, I was the happiest that I've ever been.  Shawn and I were SO active and I loved it!
I'll write more later...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My first entry...EVER!

My first blog!  I'm nervous and excited about this new journey.
I've had a rough past few months.  I've been trying to get myself back into healthy living.  I've really been struggling with it.  I'll eat well 70% of the time and then completely sabotage myself the other 30%.  I'm really not sure why.  But I'm completely fed up with it.  I look like crap...I feel like crap.  I am going to work on turning my life around.
Like the title says, I am a blonde that is going to be healthy by 30.  :)  I have no specific goals in mind right at this time.  In the next couple of week, I will have a weight goal, a running goal along with other misc goals.

I'm really apprehensive about sharing so much.  But I know that it needs to be done.  Wish me luck!
